Abraham Lincoln Calendars
Lincolniana is Abraham Lincoln memorabilia and ephemera in a variety of formats, ranging from the serious and scholarly, to the outright silly and satirical. Here are some Lincoln collectibles in the category: "Calendars."
Flip Calendars
A favorite calendar is the Illinois flip calendar, featuring Abraham Lincoln, flanked by the cabin and the capitol. Twist a few knobs to set the month and day of the week. To change the date, you flip the face forward or back.

The back side of the calendar is the same as the front, but upside down so when it is flipped, it is right-side up. The Abraham Lincoln/Illinois flip calendar is made of metal and is about 3-1/2" tall.

Wall Calendars
A variety of wall calendars commemorate events in Lincoln's life. Old calendars are still relatively easy to acquire. Of course, Lincoln Bicentennial 2009 calendars are sure to be both practical and collectible.
Many calendars are sources of good artwork, with prints suitable for framing. Sometimes, calendar art is sold in separate packaging, without the calendar part. Here, for example, is a packet called, "The Pictorial Autobiography of Abraham Lincoln," with illustrations by Isa Barnett from the 1962 Abraham Lincoln calendar series published by John Morrell & Co.

This calendar print set includes 12 sheets:
- Lincoln as a small boy in Kentucky
- Lincoln at the New Orleans waterfront
- Lincoln as Postmaster in New Salem
- Lincoln moves to Springfield
- Lincoln as a lawyer in Illinois
- The Lincoln-Douglas debates
- Lincoln leaves Springfield for Washington
- The Lincoln family in the White House
- Lincoln in the War Department telegraph office
- Lincoln visits the army of the Potomac at Antietam
- Lincoln at Gettysburg
- Lincoln delivers his Second Inaugural Address